Nationwide Multi-Lane Free-Flow (MLFF) Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) system; Roadside equipment consisting of tolling and enforcement gantries and DSRC transceivers; ANPR cameras, compliance and enforcement Systems, a central host system, a data transmission infrastructure and back offices; 500,000 on-board unitsKUALA LUMPUR, March 24 ― As announced recently, Malaysia now aims to implement a barrier-less MLFF highway tolling experience by the end of Q3 2024 and the implementation is estimated to cost RM3. PROYEK KERJASAMA PEMERINTAH DENGAN BADAN USAHA KATEGORI DALAM PROSES PENYIAPAN 1. Bahkan, Hungaria juga terlibat dalam proyek sistem pembayaran elektronik untuk jalan tol tanpa harus berhenti atau yang disebut Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF). 5 trillion (US$297 million) under a public-private partnership scheme for the project. Application for making payment of Multi-lane free flow for Thailand. India currently deploys electronic tolling through the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags in the so-called FASTag system. Tag | Multi-Lane-Free-Flow Tag | Multi-Lane-Free-Flow. KUALA LUMPUR: A multi-lane free flow (MLFF) toll system is expected to be implemented nationwide in 2025, says the Works Ministry. 10. id IndonesiaBaiklD JURNAL DIALOG 9 tahun Masa konsesi PT RITS Yeaay gas terus— INDONESIA. The first system will be installed at Besraya Highway KM5. detikFinanceKamis, 09 Feb 2023 06:00 WIB. Vehicles move ahead with changing lane on sections N2, S1, and S3 if the lane change criteria (5) are satisfied. The SLFF system isn’t too different from the gateless multi-lane free-flow (MLFF) system that is to be introduced in Indonesia from 2022, Annisa added. Sc, Ph. Sistem transaksi pembayaran jalan tol tanpa sentuh atau Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) gunakan teknologi video tolling akan uji coba pada Desember 2023 di beberapa jalan tol 11 Tips Jitu Mendapatkan Jodoh. Kepala Badan Pengatur Jalan Tol (BPJT) Kementerian PUPR Danang Parikesit mengatakan, implementasi sistem transaksi tol nontunai nirsentuh berbasis Multi Lane Free Flow di jalan tol (Sistem MLFF) akan dilakukan secara bertahap di beberapa ruas jalan tol. 6 จาก 5. pdf. WATCH THE VIDEO. Source: Asian Development Bank. com, JAKARTA – Akhir tahun 2022 ini, pemerintah berencana memberlakukan sistem pembayaran tol non tunai nirsentuh dengan pola Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) pada jalan tol. T. Jasa Marga mengadakan kerjasama dengan bank Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) 4 sebagai penyedia . Kementerian PUPR) KOMPAS. S*GATE è una soluzione di esazione pedaggio multi-lane free-flow all’avanguardia, basata sull’intelligenza artificiale, sulle tecnologie di tracciamento 3D e di machine learning, per garantire il massimo livello di precisione nel rilevamento e nella classificazione dei veicoli in ogni condizione. Moeldoko Highlights Attention to Islamic Education and Welfare of Religious Teachers. The RFID tag is placed on the. Pada Multi Lane Free Flow menggunakan metode algoritma KNN. With DSRC, the OBUs or transponders in the vehicles communicate with transceivers via the DSRC radio standard (915 MHz, CEN 5. com, JAKARTA – PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. MLFF POC ( Proof of Concept ) 1 nstallation and basic operation checkI High speed communication test ANPR System Remote Control Center. Kecelakaan Tol Pejagan, PUPR Minta Operator Tol Patroli Rutin. As one of the world wide’s leaders for tolling, we see 4 key trends that are set to shape the evolution in this industry in the coming years: 1) Transition to Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) tolling. Zaida Abdul Aziz Malaysian Highway Authority 22 April 2011. Esta aplicación ayudará con la automatización de la gestión de las pasadas por el túnel Guayasamin. VIVA – Health Ministry urges the public should be aware of the transmission coronavirus that causes COVID-19 subvariant Omicron XBB. Multi Lane Free Flow adalah transaksi pembayaran tol yang dilakukan dalam kecepatan normal dengan menggunakan teknologi nirsentuh. With MLFF, current toll lanes at toll plazas can be replaced with ordinary multilane road segments. The project is estimated to cost RM3. Multi lane free-flow. Manfaat multi lane free flow. Bisnis. The objective of MLFF ETC. Summary. Last year, we reported that the Works Ministry is planning to introduce a non-stop toll collection system known as Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) by 2025. "Untuk tahap awal implementasi dimulai dengan masa transisi pada beberapa ruas jalan tol. The initial phase will be tested on Bali-Mandara toll road in June, while the next phase will be tested on five other toll segments that. com -Pemerintah berencana memperkenalkan sistem pembayaran tanpa sentuh multi lane free flow ( MLFF) pada penghujung tahun ini. PT Roatex Indonesia Toll System memperkirakan penerapan sistem pembayaran tol nirsentuh atau multi lane free flow (MLFF) tidak membuat tarif tol naik. The Works Ministry has reiterated its commitment to introduce Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) for toll collections by 2025. Posted in International News, Technology / By Anthony Lim / May 20 2022 2:23 pm. A new penal code may be introduced against toll dodgers using the multi-lane free flow (MLFF) lanes on. Malaysia is planning to adopt the multi-lane free flow (MLFF) toll system, which allows motorists to pay tolls without stopping at gantries, by 2025. The introduction of the Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) will give users more options for paying tolls and should help ease traffic bottlenecks, especially at toll plazas. The Kapsch Group is a globally operating technology corporation headquartered in Vienna. 2nd June 2023. Project Manager PT Roatex Indonesia Toll System (RITS) Supply Chain & Business Relation, Emil. . Green Packet Bhd, a tech solution company, has collaborated Taiwan’s FETC International Co. +6221 5347 710 +6221 5347 720The solution. ANTARA/Aji Cakti. com - Direktur Utama PT Jasa Marga Tbk Desi Arryani mengatakan, sistem transaksi nir sentuh (tanpa henti) di jalan tol berbasis Radio-Frequency Identification atau Single Lane Free Flow (SLFF) akan diterapkan di 200 gerbang tol (GT) kelolaan perseroan. MLFF Bakal Gantikan e-Toll Akhir 2022, Antrean Jadi Nol Detik! Infrastruktur. 1. "Let it Flo adalah solusi pembayaran tol berbasis teknologi RFID yang terkoneksi. The system incorporates a complete casual. divizije 4, 3000 Celje. Kesiapan Tol Bali Mandara Jelang Pelaksanaan KTT G20. Completion of the project and support to the operation of the DarsGo System. The Multi-Lane-Free-Flow (MLFF) system is an electronic tolling technology that enables smooth traffic flow. Bisnis. com - Bila berhasil diterapkan, Indonesia akan menjadi negara pertama di dunia yang mengadopsi Teknologi Multi Lane Free Flow ( MLFF). Sistem transaksi pembayaran jalan tol tanpa sentuh atau Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) gunakan teknologi video tolling akan uji coba pada Desember 2023 di beberapa jalan tol 11 Tips Jitu Mendapatkan Jodoh Idaman Menurut Islam Sahijab 1 hari lalu. 2 (a). ekonomi Infrastruktur jalan tol kompascetak uang elektronik badan-pengatur-jalan-tol multi lane free flow transaksi nirsentuh single lane free flow . For years, Malaysians have been promised Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) tolls, similar to Singapore’s Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) gantries. MLFF merupakan sistem pembayaran tol tanpa sentuh atau kartu. id - Kepala Staf Kepresidenan, Moeldoko menerima kedatangan Duta Besar Hungaria untuk Indonesia, H. As a first step towards the implementation, he said five identified highways will adopt an open payment system by September 2023 which will allow users to use their credit and debit cards to pay for tolls. Tlp. Melalui sistem MLFF, pengguna jalan tol tidak perlu lagi berhenti ketika hendak membayar tol. Minister of Works Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof said during a media engagement session that the MLFF proposal has been approved by the Cabinet. Antara/M Risyal Hidayat. Peningkatan jumlah kendaraan menyebabkan terjadinya kemacetan di jalan tol khususnya pada gerbang transaksi tol, oleh karena itu metode pembayaran tol dengan sistem Multi Lane Free Flow berbasis Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) akan di terapkan di Jalan Tol Indonesia untuk mengurangi tundaan yang terjadi di gerbang tol. PT Roatex Indonesia Toll System (RITS) berkomitmen untuk menuntaskan proyek sistem transaksi tol nirsentuh atau Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) di Indonesia. Belum genap lima tahun penerapan transaksi nontunai jalan tol, pemerintah kini mewacanakan menerapakan transaksi nontunai nirsentuh atau dikenal Multi Lane Free Flow (). Dalam keterangan di laman resminya, Let it Flo menuliskan sebagai solusi pembayaran tol tanpa berhenti. Jakarta - The Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Ministry will test the multi-lane free flow system on six toll segments in two phases this year. It lets vehicles travel at high speed through multiple lanes without stooping and the drivers are charged toll electronically rather than stopping to pay a toll. How do we reduce congestion at tolls during peak traffic? Green Packet Bhd is partnering with FETC. “Proyek dengan dana lebih dari 300 juta USD itu dibangun menggunakan teknologi milik Hungaria,” ujar Dubes Hungaria untuk Indonesia. KAJIAN KESIAPAN IMPLEMENTASI MULTI LANE FREE FLOW DI JALAN TOL INDONESIA Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan Total View This Week : 0. 8 GHz CEN DSRC . This system has seen resounding success in several other Asian countries, such as Singapore. Ulica XIV. The POC is aimed to accumulate technologies to target the. Bank Indonesia (BI) dan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Pekerjaan Umum (PUPR) akan. This showed that. Open barrier, single-lane free-flow tolling with Intrada® Synergy Server provides excellent return of investment. It is said to provide the first step towards a barrier-less, multi-lane free-flow (MLFF) highway experience in the future. Multi Lane Free Flow toll system implemented for the Costa Nera Group in Santiago de Chile. Capacity and Level of Service of Multilane Highways Raghupathi Kandiboina TEQIP006534 ; 2. Antrian, Tundaan, Transaksi, Multi Lane Free Flow Abstract. Apa itu multi lane free flow. Therefore it is necessary to analyze public interest in using MLFF, analyzeSistem transaksi pembayaran jalan tol tanpa sentuh atau Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) gunakan teknologi video tolling akan uji coba pada Desember 2023 di beberapa jalan tol 11 Tips Jitu Mendapatkan Jodoh Idaman Menurut Islam Sahijab 1 hari lalu. Recently, several DSRC-based ETC systems have has been proposed to improve the precision of the Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) method [2], [3] and optimum configuration [4]. THE planned implementation of Malaysia’s barrierless toll system has hit a stumbling block. S*GATE’s innovation comes from the combination of AI and 3D vehicle tracking. " tambah Bapak Agita Widjajanto. Pertama akan dilakukan di di Tol Bali Mandara. Electronic Multi-Lane Free-Flow Toll Collection. FEW-SHOT LEARNING PADA KLASIFIKASI TEKS DOMAIN BAHASA INDONESIA 19 Sep 2022, Tesis, Informatika, Rayza Mahendra G H, Dr. Using only video and automatic. 0, seiring penerapan sistem pembayaran tol non-tunai nir-sentuh berbasis Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) dengan teknologi Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) pada 2022 mendatang. Okezone. 0. Q-Free Intrada Synergy Server with Intrada ALPR and fingerprinting recognition technology pave the way for video-based multi-lane free-flow tolling system (MLFF) in Bangkok. Pemrakarsa proyek ini: Roatex Ltd, Zrt, National Toll Payment Service PIc, MFB Hungarian Development Bank. com - Indonesia akan memasuki era baru Toll Roads Technology 4. In the field of technology, the PUPR Ministry has conducted various innovations and digital transformations on toll roads with the Intelligent Toll Road System (ITRS) concept, including the consolidation of toll road transactions through cashless transactions or Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) and managing the flow of vehicles. . Indonesia akan menerapkan sistem pembayaran tol tanpa berhenti. Multi Lane Free Flow adalah transaksi pembayaran tol yang dilakukan dalam kecepatan normal dengan menggunakan teknologi nirsentuh. 46 billion allocation was involved, the government would not implement the system without any. Sistem transaksi pembayaran jalan tol tanpa sentuh atau Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) gunakan teknologi video tolling akan uji coba pada Desember 2023 di beberapa jalan tol 11 Tips Jitu Mendapatkan Jodoh. JAKARTA, KOMPAS. POC1 and POC2. Kapsch to design, build and run operations for 10 years; Vienna/Gothenburg, July 14 2022 – The Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) has assigned Kapsch TrafficCom to build a new Multi-Lane Free-Flow system (MLFF) in Gothenburg, Sweden. com , JAKARTA - Uji coba pembayaran tarif tol dengan menggunakan metode nontunai, nirsentuh, dan nirhenti atau Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) di Tol Bali Mandara. Penerapan sistem transaksi tol nontunai nirsentuh berbasis multi-lane free flow (MLFF) awal Tahun 2022. by Alexander Wong. Sistem transaksi pembayaran jalan tol tanpa sentuh atau Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) gunakan teknologi video tolling akan uji coba pada Desember 2023 di beberapa jalan tol 11 Tips Jitu Mendapatkan Jodoh Idaman Menurut Islam Sahijab 1 hari lalu. V. The Malaysian Highway Authority (LLM) has announced that the first Multi-Lane-Fast-Flow (MLFF) Proof of Concept (POC) will be implemented using. Rencana penggantian sistem pembayaran jalan tol dari e-toll menjadi menggunakan sistem nirsentuh multi lane free flow (MLFF) semakin nyata. Indonesia aiming to go multi-lane free flow for toll collection by 2023, two years ahead of Malaysia. DPR meminta pemerintah untuk segera menyelesaikan kisruh implementasi transaksi jalan tol nontunai tanpa sentuh (nirsentuh) atau multi lane free flow (MLFF). Sistem transaksi pembayaran jalan tol tanpa sentuh atau Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) gunakan teknologi video tolling akan uji coba pada Desember 2023 di beberapa jalan tol 11 Tips Jitu Mendapatkan Jodoh Idaman Menurut Islam Sahijab 1 hari lalu. 0, seiring penerapan sistem pembayaran tol non-tunai nir-sentuh berbasis Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) dengan teknologi Global Navigation Satellite System. Bisnis. Pembayaran tol yang sebelumnya menggunakan kartu tol akan diganti dengan sistem Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) "Mulai akhir tahun ini, kita akan memperkenalkan transaksi nirsentuh dengan menggunakan teknologi. On Monday, (15/3/2021), the signing of a cooperation agreement for a Non-Contact Toll Transaction System based on Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) between BPJT of the Ministry of PUPR and PT Roatex Indonesia Toll System (RITS) has begun. The installation itself is linked to a wider programme of infrastructural improvements. Multi-Lane free flow (MLFF) system is an electronic tolling system used in many expressway networks worldwide. com, JAKARTA – Penerapan sistem pembayaran tol tanpa kartu elektronik atau Multi Lane Free Flow ( MLFF) akan berdampak pada bank penyedia e-toll card, termasuk PT Bank Rakyat Indonesi a Tbk. 3167. Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Novrian Arbi/pras. Terlihat seorang anak kecil menggunakan sepeda masuk ke jalur Busway, dimana di belakangnya terdapat TransJakarta yang sedang. Earlier, it was reported that five highways (NPE, GCE, AKLEH, Besraya and Penang Bridge) will begin running an open payment system for toll collection by September this. Direktur Jenderal Bina Marga Hedy Rahadian menjelaskan, beberapa kendala terhambatnya penerapan teknologi tol nir. How do we reduce congestion at tolls during peak traffic? Green Packet Bhd is partnering with FETC. The works ministry has reiterated it will introduce a multi-lane free flow (MLFF) toll system in Malaysia by 2025 to reduce congestion at toll plazas. "Ultimate sistem pembayaran jalan tol di Indonesia adalah Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF), tapi sebelum itu diberlakukan kita akan uji coba dahulu sistem SLFF. 0, seiring penerapan sistem pembayaran tol non-tunai nir-sentuh berbasis Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) dengan teknologi Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) pada 2022 mendatang. Jakarta -. Hal itu diumumkan oleh Kementerian PUPR. BFFS = estimated base free flow speed in mph (60 mph for rural or suburban based on HCM recommendations). According to works minister Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta. E. Thus in order to predict FFS from corresponding collected values a, an extremely tests create model for evaluating normal free-low speed and for recognizing the appropriation of individual free-flow speeds. Dilansir dari Kompas. MLFF is a barrier-free toll system without toll booths and dedicated lanes. “Soon, it will be up to the public to use any digital mode of payment ― whether you want to use Touch ‘n Go e-wallet or debit or credit card or Visa or Mastercard or any kind of [electronic. Uji coba penerapan Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) atau pembayaran tol tanpa sentuh seharusnya dilakukan pada 1 Juni 2023 kemarin. Melalui keberadaan sistem ini maka dipastikan akan mendukung mobilisasi masyarakat pada penggunaan fasilitas publik jalan tol. Apa Saja Syarat Buka Rekening Mandiri 2022 & Pilihan Jenis Tabungan Berikut adalah syarat membuka rekening Bank Mandiri 2022 dan pilihan jenis tabungan sesuai kebutuhan. 2016Multi-lane Free Flow (MLFF) POC1 for Malaysia completed By 2020 ERP2 to be completed. He said that so far, 12 highways have agreed to implement the SPT, however, the. As a first step towards the implementation, he said five identified highways will adopt an open payment system by September 2023 which will allow users to use their credit and debit cards to pay for tolls. Bisnis. Malaysians spend millions of hours on the road every day. Jalan tol dibuat untuk mengurangi tingkat kemacetan yang terjadi. The Works Ministry has reiterated its commitment to introduce Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) for toll collections by 2025. Bisnis. Multi Lane Free Flow in Chile. Teknologi ini memudahkan pengemudi untuk masuk ke jalan tol tanpa berhenti dan mengetap kartu e-toll sehingga meminimalisir kepadatan yang sering terjadi di gerbang masuk tol. Hal tersebut dikatakan oleh Kepala Badan Pengatur Jalan Tol (BPJT) Kementerian PUPR, Danang Parikesit. com, JAKARTA – Rencana pemerintah menerapkan sistem transaksi tol non-tunai nirsentuh berbasis Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) dengan teknologi Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) akan dimulai Desember 2022. Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Cantas application for contactless, cashless toll transactions or multi-lane free flow (MLFF) will be launched during MLFF’s first trial on Bali Mandara Toll Road, the Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Minister said. This increases safety by removing queues at toll plazas and improves. Sistem Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) adalah teknologi sistem pembayaran nirsentuh yang diterapkan pada gerbang tol di Indonesia. ac. Pembayaran jalan tol dengan transaksi non-tunai nirsentuh atau multi lane free flow (MLFF) bakal segera menggantikan sistem e-toll. It also manages the ongoing service, maintenance and upgrade of existing installations. "Kita harapkan teknologi ini bisa mulai dilakukan uji coba pada akhir tahun ini," ujar Kepala Sub Bidang Operasi dan. pengembangan sistem pengenalan tanda nomor kendaraan bermotor pada multi lane free flow toll e-collection berbasis kecerdasan buatan sistem pendukung keputusan untuk rekomendasi pembelian smartphone dengan menggunakan technique for others preference by similarity to ideal solution (topsis) tautan. With MLFF, current toll lanes at toll plazas can be replaced with ordinary. multi-lane free-flow toll market, SICE carries out projects with more than 10 million transactions/day, making it the industry at an international level. Hungarian firm Roatex Ltd. Untuk mendukung hal itu, transaksi tol akan memanfaatkan sistem Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF). อยู่ระหว่างเตรียมความพร้อมระบบเก็บค่าผ่านทางพิเศษอัตโนมัติแบบไม่มีไม้กั้น (Multi-Lane Free Flow: M-Flow) โดยร่วมกับกรมทางหลวง. Definisi Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) Toll Transaction System adalah sebuah sistem yang digunakan untuk pembayaran tarif tol tanpa perlu pengendara berhenti di gardu jalan tol sehingga dapat terus melaju. KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 5 — The Works Ministry (KKR) will introduce a non-stop toll collection system known as Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) by 2025 in an effort to reduce congestion at toll plazas. Sistem transaksi pembayaran jalan tol tanpa sentuh atau Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) gunakan teknologi video tolling akan uji coba pada Desember 2023 di beberapa jalan tol 11 Tips Jitu Mendapatkan Jodoh Idaman Menurut Islam Sahijab 1. (The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology)Teknologi multi lane free flow (MLFF) yang menerapkan sistem pembayaran tol nontunai nirsentuh atau bayar tol tanpa henti akan diuji coba mulai 2023. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian mengenai diterapkannya sistem Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) dengan analisis kapasitas gerbang tol dengan simulasi Vissim, respon pengguna jalan tol dan Badan Usaha Jalan Tol (BUJT), keuntungan yang akan diperoleh penguna jalan tol dan BUJT dalam penggunaan sistem MLFF dan teknologi-teknologi. Perencanaan ini diharapkan dapat menentukan jumlah gerbang tol yang optimum dari segi tingkat pelayanan dan panjang antrian. bali. The Works Ministry has reiterated its commitment to introduce Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) for toll collections by 2025. Uji coba tol nirsentuh Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) di Tol Bali Mandara mundur dari Juni menjadi Dese. Implementato il sistema di pedaggio Multi Lane Free Flow per il Gruppo Costa Nera a Santiago del Cile. Copyright © 2016 Quatriz System Sdn Bhd (988952-X). The Multi-lane free flow system is a type of highway system that is designed to facilitate the flow of traffic without the need for toll booths or other traffic control devices. Autopista Vespucio Norte selected Q-Free’s electronic multi-lane free flow (MLFF) tolling solution to charge and enforce tolling in Santiago, Chile. Sistem Transaksi Jalan Tol Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF); 11. “Road users now have another option, namely the SPT, this is also the first step towards implementing the multi-lane free flow (MLFF) system in the future,” he said after officiating the Implementation of the SPT at the Loke Yew Toll Plaza on BESRAYA today. 46 billion. 3 kg Enclosure Aluminium and Polypropylene PP Electrical Power 10 – 32 Vdc (*)Multi lane free-flow. Namun pelaksanaanya MLFF terhambat. Speaking of which, the ministry also announced that DUKE will be the second highway in Malaysia to implement a proof of concept for the MLFF system, after Besraya. Baca Selengkapnya. Artikel video tidak ada. Nantinya, pengguna jalan tidak perlu berhenti di gerbang tol karena tarif. f LC = adjustment for total lateral clearance ( if less. Tesla Model 3 Highland is now the cheapest EV in Malaysia with over 600km range. KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 5 — The Works Ministry (KKR) will introduce a non-stop toll collection system known as Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) by 2025 in an effort to reduce congestion at toll plazas. Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum Regional Sarbagikung (Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar, Klungkung), Bali.